She Sings...

At the brink of the dreams she sings...
The song of defeat, composed by the Fallen King...
As the Sun crawls in to the Depths of His vision,
Sunk in to the other worlds to shine bright again
while the Fallen King squirms in the cozy dust embroidered with the Blood...
The song is echoed all over the Kingdom drunk by the defeat
While the foes celebrate the victory of Kings pain...
The pain that grows dark with the darkness of the world when the Light vanishes in to the depths
She sings the song of pain...
Till all the fallen soldiers are lost in the memories
Of the past and of the future unseen with eyes but by dreams
As the song echoes in the ears drenched in blood...
The life itself seems to be crying making the blood dilute...
Dilute till the Life vanishes in to thin air...
Cries of the fallen dominated by the cries of joy...
Fallen in blood while wine springs out in joy...

What does the Fallen King dream of before the final breathe of life finds its way...
To travel in to skies, never to return to the grave of its temporary container...
Does he dream of seeing the Sun again? To shine bright in his eyes
Till it obscures all the darkness...
till the life of the Soldiers to return from the corners of the Earths...
To see the Kingdom standing firm and tall into the Blues...
While the Wine overflowing meets the Blood on the other side...
Till the scarlet covers both the grounds...
Till the dream binds the Final Breathe with Hope...
She sings the song of Death while the Fallen sink in to the Depths...
As the song echoes over the souls, The Sun still shines on the other side not knowing
That the warmth has lost its meaning on the other side !!!